Mantas, kas vajadzīgas noteiktos gadījumos (Reti izmantojamas) Šīs mantas var ielikt kastēs ar savu nosaukumu un novietot kaut kur neredzamā vietā mājvietā vai arī ārējā glabātuvē. Ļoti reti izmantotās mantas vai “atmiņu” mantas Ja Jums dzīvoklī/mājā nav atsevišķas telpas, varat izmantot ārēju glabātuvi. Šāda tipa mantas pēc pieredzes aizņem visvairāk vietas: No sākuma klasificēsim nevajadzīgas un retāk izmantotās mantas 4 dažādās grupās: 1. Contact your IBM System z Administrator if unsure what to specify for the printer queue name.Ja Jums pienāca tāda dzīves situācija, kad mantas ir pārāk daudz, tad ir jāaizdomājas vai nu par šķirošanu un izmešanu vai par ārēju glabātuvi, lai saglabātu mājvietas harmonijas sajūtu. Note: The Line Printer Daemon (LPD) must be configured and started on the IBM System z, and the IBM System z print queue must be shared, in order to send spooled files to an IBM System z using a Remote Output Queue (RMTOUTQ) or the Send TCP/IP Spooled File ( SNDTCPSPLF or LPR) command. IBM RS/6000 (Printer Attached to RS/6000 System) Note: 'TEXT' appears to work best for the IBM Network Printer 20 Output queue library / output queue name (for example, 'QUSRSYS/PRT01') With IBM Network print server (NPS) or Axis LAN adapter HP WP110 Wireless print servers (External) HP LineJet Printer with internal HP LineJet print server HP LaserJet printers (with internal HP JetDirect print server) 'text3' for USB port 3 (unformatted text) 'text2' for USB port 2 (unformatted text) 'text1' for USB port 1 (unformatted text) 'binps' for USB port (binary PostScript output) Note: Some newer HP JetDirect servers may instead use 'RAW1', 'RAW2' or 'RAW3' for formatted output or 'TEXT1', 'TEXT2' or 'TEXT3' for unformatted text. 'text3' for parallel port 3 (unformatted text) 'raw3' for parallel port 3 (formatted output) 'text2' for parallel port 2 (unformatted text) 'raw2' for parallel port 2 (formatted output) 'text1' for parallel port 1 (unformatted text) 'raw1' for parallel port 1 (formatted output) Note: Some newer HP JetDirect cards, like the 170X and 300X, may instead use 'RAW' for formatted output or 'TEXT' for unformatted text. Hawking Technology print server (USB models) Hawking Technology print server (parallel models)
'MPS_nnnnnn_P1' where "nnnnnn" represents the last six digits of the MAC address GENICOM printers with Printronix PrintNet GENICOM printers with Microplex M202 or M202+ external print server GENICOM printers with Microplex M205, M206 or M305 NIC
GENICOM 5000 Series With Emulex PS1000 Network Interface Card (Internal) GENICOM 5000 series with PS1000 series NIC Note: If 'portLF1', 'portLF2' or 'portLF3' causes a blank page before and after each spooled file, try using 'anydata1', 'anydata2' or 'anydata3' instead. 'portLF3' or 'anydata3' for parallel port 3 'portLF2' or 'anydata2' for parallel port 2 'portLF1' or 'anydata1' for parallel port 1 Parallel ports 10 - 16 are Unknown at this Time (possibly either 'raw_10 or 'raw_A' through 'raw_16' or 'raw_F').Ĭan be set to accept any value if the Emulex adapter is set to Passthru.

Where 'xxxxxx' represents the last 6 digits of the print server MAC address. Note: See the section entitled Information Concerning Print Servers Designed for Twinax SCS Printers below.Īxis LAN Adapters (external print servers)Ĭub Printers with internal network interface card (NIC) Advanced Matrix Technology (AMT) printersĪMT printers use a custom LPD queue name that must be checked on the printer hardware (or in a web browser)Īrgecy ACC 6xe Coax/Twinax to Ethernet print server